8 surprising reasons you are not losing weight on keto diet - Do Diet Plans

8 surprising reasons you are not losing weight on keto diet

8 surprising reasons you are not losing weight on keto diet

One of the main reasons you are not losing weight on keto is because you are eating more calories than your body needs.
Getting into ketosis, you will lose a lot of weight in the beginning, which is mainly water weight. But after a couple weeks you might notice that the scale isn’t bulging and you start to think something might be wrong.
This is very frustrating at times and you start to wonder if all this dieting is worth it.
Even though you heard so much about how the ketogenic diet can help you lose weight and burn fat but now it doesn’t seem to work anymore.
Maybe you’ve hit a weight loss plateau and you even gained weight again. The main purpose of the keto diet is to help you burn fat for energy instead of glucose.
Well, just to draw you in, I’m sure you know your carbs should be lower than 50 grams daily for a moderate keto dieter.

Here are some of the reasons you are not losing weight on a keto diet…

#1• You’re eating too many carbs

Starting a keto diet you have to really reduce the number of carbs you consume drastically as this is what will boost your transitioning into ketosis.
While it is a fact that your carbs should only be 5% of your total calories.
It’s not easy to monitor your carbs, yeah I know that, but if you are following a major ketogenic meal plan that has all this calculated ready made for you then it can get really easier. Perhaps, you’re really struggling with tracking your macro nutrients then you should use an app like myfitnesspal.
There are some foods you should eat on a keto diet here but if you are not careful about it they might ruin your diet if you don’t consume them moderately.
Eat more veggies like avocado, zucchini and asparagus instead of high carb veggies like cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts and brocolli.
While at it, sugar alcohols like mannitol, sorbitol, isomalt xylitol are labeled sugar free which often makes people to overeat them and this leads to spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels, a better choice is erythrithol, it doesn’t cause spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels.

#2• You’re not getting enough nutrients

One of most important things when it comes to losing weight is getting enough nutrients into the body.
You can get the most nutrients from whole foods especially including healthy fats like avocado, high fat diary products, pastured meat, fish, poultry, olive oils, coconut oils and eggs.
Constantly including processed foods in your meals can affect your weight loss negatively, though they might be labeled keto friendly.
Foods from fast foods including hot dogs are really obstacles to weight loss on a keot diet because they are just calories and will not add any form of nutrients or antioxidants that might boost weight loss.
While at it eat more non starchy veggies like greens and mushrooms to supply your body with fiber and nutrients.

#3• You eat too much and your daily calories are high

Its really important to take note of your daily calories and try not to eat very large meals. Even the so called keto friendly foods are high in calories so the best thing to do for yourself is to create a calorie deficit
Activities like skipping a rope and riding a bicycle can help cover for the calories you’ve consumed because they help burn off calories.
While some people think as far as they consume keto friendly foods that are high in fat it doesn’t necessarily matter if they over eat them.
This is wrong and you won’t lose any weight on a keto diet like that so try to take them moderately.
Another thing is to calculate your daily calorie need, not everyone can maintain a particular calorie range. Once you know the amount of calorie your body needs to function properly then you can better balance your calorie intake.
Calorie intake for different people of different sizes differs so try to check your calorie needs from time to time after each 10 pounds dropped to know how much calorie your body needs then stick to it.

#4• You’re eating too much protein.

The diet is a high fat, moderate protein and very low carb one. Its not a high protein diet so try not to accept the belief that it doesnt matter how much protein you consume.
You might have even been kicked out of ketosis already, the reason which might because you’re eating too much protein.
A term gluconeogenesis is when you body converts excess protein to glucose. When this happens, boom you’re outta ketosis and your body return to its normal condition of burning glucose for energy instead of fat.
Only 20-25% of the calories supplied to your body should come from protein, its just to help maintain muscles, 5% from carbs and the rest should come from fat.
Try to put more thoughts into this. 

#5• You may have an allergy, leptin resistance or an undiagonised medical issue

Most times you may have everything under control, your macros, water consumption, sleep, exercise etc and you still won’t see any changes, maybe its an allergy, leptin resistance or an undiagonised medical issue.
Firstly, let talk about food allergy and food intolerance. You might have an allergy for foods like peanuts, eggs, milk, soy, wheat, and fish. On the other hand food intolerance can affect the gut causing inflammation which can hinder weight loss.
Secondly, leptin resistance is activated when the hunger hormone leptin is not allowed to send message to the brain letting it know that you’re satiated so just keep it.
Leptin resistance is caused by stress, overeating and calorie restriction. The best way to reset is to reduce your sugar and all refinned products from your keto meal plan.

#6• You are too relaxed and not getting enough physical activity.

Once in ketosis, you shouldn’t feel lazy and sit home all day without doing any form of exercise or physical activity. Even if you feel tired, you should try to get in motion, meet people, enjoy the cooling breeze from a nice walk in the park.
There are a lot of benefit you can get from exercises. They help lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, depression, obesity and anxiety. Furthermore, you can burn calories, and boost your metabolism.
While you might find it difficult to be motivated to visit a gym, to workout or get on your mat to practice yoga. Its best for you to set goals or schedule your week so you can find time to exercise and try as much as possible to stick to it.

#7• You aren’t getting quality sleep and your stress level is on the rise.

Weight loss without quality sleep can be somewhat difficult and this might be the reason you are not losing weight on keto. Are you getting your required 8-9 hrs of quality sleep ?
When you lack sleep your body becomes stressed and you produce excess amount of cortisol (aka stress hormone ). If you are producing excess cortisol, your body begins to store fat instead of burning it and its often stored around the belly area.
What you should do is to reduce the amount of time you spend with electronic devices, laugh more and talk with friends, watch memes, do this Yoga poses or meditate and must especially get quality sleep.

#8• it’s either you’re not in ketosis or you have really high expectations or you’re actually losing weight but not measuring properly.

It can get really annoying sometimes on the keto diet, when you notice in the first two weeks you lost some really significant pound and you’re feeling good about committing to the diet plan.
Then all of a sudden you are only dropping a few pounds weekly and you start to wonder what might be wrong.
The 8-16 pounds you might have lost in the beginning is just water weight stored by fat cells in your body, so you shouldn’t expect to lose so much each week.
On another note, You might not be in ketosis maybe pounds you dropped was just out of sheer luck. You can follow this steps to get into ketosis here.
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